4 Ways to keep mosquitoes away from your baby

1. Try mosquito-repelling fragrances

You'll track down a scope of items, from incense sticks to scented candles and rejuvenating balms, that repulse mosquitoes and can likewise assist with keeping your home without mosquito and smelling pleasant.

A few fragrances like lemongrass, citronella, cedar, neem, lavender, eucalyptus, and soybean can assist with repulsing mosquitoes.

Remember that lit candles, incense burners, agarbattis, dhoop or mosquito repellent curls can all look exceptionally appealing to a small kid. On the off chance that your child contacts any of these, she can get a consume. Continuously ensure it's kept well out of your child's scope. Peruse additional about shielding your child from consumes.

A few items might contain engineered compounds or a combination of flower and natural product scents that will generally draw in mosquitoes and bugs. In this way, beyond what many would consider possible, attempt to utilize aroma free salves, cleanser, oils, shampoos and toiletries.

2. Don't rely entirely on home remedies and natural mosquito repellents

Numerous mums depend on home cures and normal strategies for repulsing mosquitoes. A few mums like to utilize homeopathic medicines, while some might decide to utilize clove-spiked cut lime (laung/nimbu) around their homes. In any case, there's insufficient proof to demonstrate how compelling these strategies are.

To attempt home cures, take care to continuously utilize alternate approaches to repulsing mosquitoes close by. Use anti-agents that are applied to the skin, defensive attire and windows mosquito net to remain safeguarded.

3. Clear mosquito breeding grounds

It's essential to dispose of any spots where mosquitoes flourish. Mosquitoes breed in stale water and can lay their eggs in tiny measures of water.

Ensure that any water tanks, drums and containers are covered so the mosquitoes can't get in. Try not to leave water in coolers, AC plate, plant pots, bloom jars, indoor plants and pet dishes for a really long time.

Velcro mosquito net for windows are essentially utilized for the insurance against the intestinal sickness communicating vector. 

It can take anyplace between seven to 10 days for mosquito eggs to incubate. Thus, change the water in holders frequently. Clean all water compartments one time per week and scour the sides well.

Add a couple of drops of lamp oil to open channels, little lakes and different spots where stale water remains. The oil shapes a meager film over the water and prevents mosquitoes from rearing.

Keep your nursery, yard and pruned establishes all around managed. This decreases the regions where mosquitoes could stow away.

In numerous areas and apartment complexes, bug control, splashing or misting is done routinely to dispose of the mosquitoes. In any case, you ought to likewise really look at in and around your home to guarantee that there's no standing water or regions where mosquitoes could raise.

4. Learn to recognise and prevent mosquito-borne diseases

Mosquitoes flourish in warm and sticky climate, so be additional wary during these times.

To guard your family, find out about the side effects, treatment and deterrent measures against mosquito-borne sicknesses, for example,

  • dengue fever
  • intestinal sickness
  • chikungunya
If you're planning to buy a mosquito nets means please check here about windows mosquito net in chennai.
